Meet SuperNano

The Mission: Raising the Bar

Our mission was to craft a versatile vessel that embodies unwavering stability, reliability, ease of maintenance, and affordability. The goal was a unique, well-balanced watercraft, the result: A gentle learning curve, perfect for beginners, with a design akin to driving a car or a go-kart.

Design: It’s all in the details

The SuperNano's hybrid catamaran hull ensures convenience, making it easy to store and launch, even onto sandy shores, thanks to its straightforward engine elevation. This design increases its load-bearing capacity due to efficient weight distribution and reinforced buoyancy.

We've designed the SuperNano for simplicity and customisation, allowing you to easily mount your preferred outboard motor. This streamlined process minimises downtime, speeds up maintenance, and reduces costs.

The SuperNano Experience

The SuperNano offers excellent visibility; with minimal difference between its internal flooring and water level, enhancing the ride experience and safety. Its unique catamaran design disperses bumps and jolts, ensuring stability and comfort.

Our commitment to seaworthiness is a fundamental principle embedded in the Rodriquez family's century-long shipbuilding legacy. We've conducted over 400 nautical miles of testing on the SuperNano prototype, emphasising our dedication to delivering a reliable product in all marine conditions.

Commercial Utility: A Clear Choice

Weighing a mere 120kg, the SuperNano is the clear choice for commercial utility, making it an invaluable addition to the tourism and rental sector. Mounting smaller engines below 10HP enables license-free usage in most countries, and you can easily replace the engine with a more powerful one, up to 50HP, in just 1-2 hours using readily available tools.

SuperNano for all

Our initial vision was to create a classy alternative to the Jetski, primarily for superyachts - Leopoldo Rodriquez’s primary line of business. However, as we delved deeper, we realised that the SuperNano deserved a spotlight of its own.